Osteoporosis Burden of Disease Report 2012

Osteoporosis Australia launched a new Burden of Disease study on 4 December titled, Osteoporosis Costing All Australians – A new Burden of Disease analysis 2012-2022.

The report clearly demonstrates the significant impact osteoporosis, and related fractures, have on the current healthcare system and estimates for the next decade indicate costs of over $33 billion.

The event hosted at Parliament House in Canberra was attended by ministerial advisors to The Hon Fiona Nash Assistant Minister for Health and to the Prime Minister Tony Abbott, as well attended by the The Hon Catherine King Shadow Minister for Health and The Hon Shayne Neumann Shadow Minister for Ageing and other politicians.

Representatives from a range of national organisations also attended including the Australian & New Zealand Bone & Mineral Society (ANZBMS), The Australian Medical Association (AMA), The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, The Pharmaceutical Society, Carers Australia, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) and the Commonwealth Department of Health. Osteoporosis Australia Chairman John Hewson called on Australians to take bone health seriously to reduce the impact of the disease which can be prevented, or better managed if properly diagnosed.

View Report: http://www.osteoporosis.org.au/news/latest-news/new-research-report-launched-4-december2013/

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