Draft National Strategic Action Plan for Arthritis

We are seeking stakeholder and community feedback on the draft National Strategic Action Plan for Arthritis.

The purpose of the Action Plan is to provide guidance on key priorities and actions to improve arthritis prevention and care in Australia. Arthritis Australia has led the development of the Action Plan on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Health.


Please click here to access the survey to provide your feedback.
Closing date: Friday 7 December 2018

The draft Action Plan has been developed with the input of a multidisciplinary Steering Committee comprising representatives of major stakeholder groups with an interest in arthritis prevention, management and care.

Members include consumers, health professionals, researchers, policy makers and service providers. Major contributions were also provided by the project team developing the National Osteoarthritis Strategy 2018 (soon to be released), which has informed the osteoarthritis-related recommendations of the Plan, and participants in the Arthritis Roundtable Workshop held in December 2017.

Click here to read the draft National Strategic Action Plan for Arthritis

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