Social Lines program offers connection for those in need

Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA first started its Social Lines program back in 2013. With the recent Covid-19 restrictions, this program is now more relevant than ever.

Social Lines aims to give people who are unable to get out and about easily a chance to connect and talk to someone who cares and who understands what living with arthritis or osteoporosis is all about.

Finding Someone Who Will Listen

It can often be difficult for family and friends to understand the constant pain associated with arthritis and osteoporosis, whilst more than often your physical condition also limits your social interactions. Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA’s Social Lines Program provides an opportunity to talk to volunteers who can relate to the emotional and physical obstacles experienced with your condition.

The Social Lines program involves a Volunteer who will telephone on a regular basis at a time mutually agreed upon. The program works to match AOWA volunteers with individuals who have common interests. No matter whether you wish to talk about hobbies, recent activities, family or even to just have a grumble, they are there for you.

A word from our Social Lines Volunteer, Kate

“During my time as a Social Lines Volunteer, I have been amazed at the life histories of my clients.  One of my clients used to be married to a photographer during the Second World War.  The stories she had of their time together were incredible, and I often told her that she should write a book – it was like listening to a living history lesson.  Sadly, there a very few opportunities for people to share their stories like this left any more, and I felt privileged to be able to have these conversations”..

 If anyone reading this article has arthritis and /or osteoporosis and would like to have a friendly chat on the telephone once a week or fortnight with one of our volunteers, please call Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA on 08 9388 2199 or 1800 011 041 or email

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