This 2 day workshop for GPs and Health Professionals aims to provide participants with an inter-professional learning opportunity to better manage patients with persistent pain.
Event Information
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: “Making Sense of Pain” is an inter-professional pain management workshop designed specifically for health professionals, and delivered in an informal and interactive setting.
- Provides you with the ‘What’: Information about evidence-based management of people experiencing chronic pain; as well as the ‘How to’: Putting the information into practice.
- Introduces the important concepts of inter-subjectivity and “third space” engagement and stigma, as well as considering different ways to reframe the experience of pain.
- Assists you to improve interactions with patients experiencing pain to result in more positive outcomes for both parties.
- Provides you with the opportunity to interact with “Pain Champions”, real people with lived experience of chronic pain.
- Encourages you to reflect on your beliefs and attitudes to people experiencing pain. Reflective decision making is a core element in clinical reasoning.
- Provides a practical approach to engaging with people with pain, that can be applied in the clinical setting.
- You will be invited to join a networking group of past and present workshop attendees and presenters.
Prof Peter O’Sullivan – Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
Prof Eric Visser – Anaesthetist & Pain Medicine Physician
Dr John Quintner – Pain Medicine Physician & Rheumatologist (retired)
Ms Melanie Galbraith – APA Pain Physiotherapist
Dr Vance Locke – Clinical Psychologist
Ms Jacintha Bell – Senior Occupational Therapist
Ms Mary Roberts – Clinical Psychology Registrar
PAIN CHAMPIONS: to be announced
DAY 1: “Creating a Therapeutic Milieu”
- Introduction and Case Study
- Making a Pain Diagnosis: “Diagnosis is one of the commonest diseases.”
- Scope of physiotherapy: “Use strengthens, disuse debilitates.”
- Scope of occupational therapy: “Work is the best antidote to sorrow, my dear Watson.”
- How effective is medical treatment: “How does your patient, doctor?”
- The Psychological Perspective: “Sleep is better than medicine.”
- Motivational interviewing: Observing an assessment with a Pain Champion.
- Goal Setting: “A goal properly set is halfway reached.”
- Entering the ‘Third Space’: A place for communication and engagement.
DAY 2: “Acquiring the Skills and Real Life Practice”
- About Empathy: “Finding echoes of another person in yourself.”
- Stigma explored: “Stigma is a process by which the reaction of others spoils normal identity.”
- Pain and stress: “It’s not stress that kills us; it’s our reaction to it.”
- Calming the troubled nervous system: “Smile, breathe, and go slowly.”
- Entering the Third Space with our Pain Champions
- Case study completion
Early bird rate by the 28th June: $220 (incl GST)
Standard rate after the 28th June: $330 (incl GST)
Registrations close Friday 19th July 2019
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are provided on both days.
ENQUIRIES: Please contact Clara Connor, phone 9388 2199 or email clarac@arthritiswa.org.au
This workshop is dedicated to the memory of Bob Elvey (1942 – 2013), a WA physiotherapist whose pioneering research has not only received world-wide acclaim but also has revolutionised the physical examination of the neck and upper limb.
Arthritis and Osteoporosis WA and the Health Department of WA have agreed to subsidise this Workshop, making it affordable for all interested health professionals. Numbers are limited to 25 registrants.