Bequests are a powerful and effective way to support Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA with little or no impact on your lifestyle today.

A bequest is simple to arrange, allows you to retain your assets throughout your lifetime, whilst also ensuring your loved ones and friends are taken care of when you are no longer here.

Since 1973 Arthritis and Osteoporosis WA has been serving the community, funding research and helping those affected by Arthritis and Osteoporosis.

Bequests are a vital source of our income and allow us to not only continue our services but to continue to fund research in the hope that one day something can be done to help those affected by this debilitating disease.

Suggested wording and types of bequests

Residuary bequest (part of leftover estate)

I give, devise and bequeath to Arthritis Foundation of WA Incorporated free from all duties, (nominate percentage or fractional share) of my residuary estate (OR) the remainder of my residuary estate and direct that the receipt of the Executive Director for the time being will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.

Leave a gift in your Will

Whilst there is no obligation to do so, letting us know you have, or are thinking of leaving a bequest to Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA will greatly assist us with our planning.  It will also give us the opportunity to say thank you and keep you up to date with our work and future bequest events.

All bequests to Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA are treated in a confidential matter. For further information or for a confidential chat please call us on 1800 011 041 or (08) 9388 2199.

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