Exercising regularly

Regular daily exercise can help improve your sense of well-being, which may increase your energy level and help you sleep better. This is because when you exercise, your body produces chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins help to reduce pain and anxiety. It is important to select activities that you enjoy and that you can do with your friends and family.
Conserving your energy
This is another way of saying you need to manage and save your energy when you are feeling tired. Listen to your body. Pace yourself by finding a balance between rest and activity. For example, for every 20 minutes of sustained activity, intentionally rest and relax for five minutes. Focus your energy on those activities that are essential in your life. For example, some young people may find it useful to do activities that will lift their spirits, such as going out with a friend. Some other ways to manage and save your energy are to work shorter shifts at your job after school or consider taking fewer classes at school if you are able to.
Getting enough sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep restores your energy, and helps you to cope with pain and fatigue. Most teens need about nine hours of sleep to function at their best. Getting a good night’s sleep restores your energy, and helps you to cope with pain and fatigue. Sleep also gives your joints a good chance to rest, helping to reduce stiffness.
Sleep tips
How much sleep do you get? Here are a few tips that you can learn to help you get the best sleep possible. They can help make it easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Tip #1 Keep a schedule
Keep a schedule that allows you to wake up and go to bed about the same time everyday. Bedtimes and wake times should not vary more than one to two hours between days. Try to avoid oversleeping on weekends as this can make it harder to keep a regular schedule during the week. Your body likes a regular schedule. In addition, if you are well-rested, you can change your schedule once in a while for special events and you can recover from the occasional late night much faster.
Tip #2 No naps
Try not to take naps during the day. If you are really sleepy or don’t feel well and you need to nap, limit the nap to 30 to 45 minutes in the early afternoon. Set an alarm clock or ask someone to wake you up so that you don’t nap for too long. It is also important to find a balance between too much and too little sleep. For example, too much sleep will not necessarily make you feel more rested. In fact, it may make you more tired.
Tip #3 Positive lifestyle
Maintain good lifestyle habits. Get regular exercise, avoid caffeine (soft drinks, coffee, tea, and chocolate) and eat regular meals. Lots of people feel better when they cut down on caffeine even if they don’t eliminate it altogether. These good habits all help to make you ready for sleep.
Tip #4 Relaxing routine
Create a relaxing bedtime routine that you can follow each night. It should involve 20 to 30 minutes of quiet time. Good wind-down activities are things like reading, looking through a magazine, listening to music or writing in a journal. Avoid having a television, computer, tablet or cell phone in the bedroom. Avoid stimulating activities such as playing videogames, using the computer or exercising before bed.
Tip #5: Sleep environment
Make sure your bedroom is cool and quiet. Your mattress and pillow should give your spine good support. If you have painful hands or knees at night, night rest splints can be helpful. A night rest splint is a device used to keep your joint in one position while you are resting at night.