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Cheaper medicines from 60-day dispensing

From 1 September 2023, many patients living with an ongoing health condition who are stable on their current treatment will be able to receive twice the medication for the cost of a single prescription.

This will apply to more than 300 common medicines listed on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS) and will be implemented in 3 stages over 12 months.

When fully implemented on 1 September 2024, the changes will mean millions of Australians with ongoing health conditions will save money and time with 60-day prescriptions.

Clinical experts from the independent Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) recommended introducing 60-day prescriptions for patients with ongoing health conditions who are stable on their current treatment.

The full list of eligible medicines that have been reviewed and recommended by PBAC as suitable for 60-day prescribing is available on the medicine list for increased dispensing quantities.

Importantly, doctors will have the option to prescribe medicines for either 30 or 60-day prescriptions, according to their professional clinical judgement.

A new website, 60 Day Scripts, has been launched by Consumers Health Forum, to answer frequently asked questions about the changes.

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